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Soursop tea - find out how it works

Soursop is a plant native to South America that exhibits a number of interesting effects on the human body. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and is also a strong antioxidant. It contains quercetin, phenolic acids and carotene compounds. As with many plants from South America, soursop was first used in folk medicine and then, scientists became interested in it.

It's a relatively understudied plant, but one that offers hope that it will be helpful in many uses. Soursop is found in Cuba, the Bahamas and other tropical areas of the world. The taste of soursop is a combination of mango, strawberry and pineapple. It is added to many foods to improve their flavor. The fruit grows up to 6 kilograms in weight. 

Some of the most important effects of soursop

Anti-cancer effects

The leaves of this plant contain acetogenin, which destroys cancer cells. It has a particularly strong effect on colon, breast, prostate and lung cancer. Soursop does not allow cancer cells to spread. Animal studies on soursop's anti-cancer effects are still ongoing, and scientists already have evidence that the plant inhibits cancer growth in vivo and in vitro. Soursop has been confirmed to prevent tumor formation in mice.

The anti-cancer effect of this plant is due to the content of cytotoxic substances - they destroy cancer cells, leaving the remaining tissues alive. 

Removal of free radicals

A 2007 study showed that soursop has a strong cytoprotective effect (protects tissues) and allows them to stay healthy longer even when exposed to adverse conditions.

Reduction of inflammation

Soursop has a beneficial effect on the secretion of substances responsible for inflammations. Thanks to this, it can be helpful in some autoimmune diseases such as arthritis. It also helps to speed up the healing of wounds. The plant also improves immunity.

Liver support

Soursop is a liver-protective plant that promotes bile secretion and benefits bilirubin metabolism. It helps cleanse the liver and facilitates the removal of toxins from the body, as well as immunizing the liver against harmful substances.

Reduce stress levels

Animal studies have shown that soursop regulates the amount of substances responsible for stress and feelings of danger. It also has a beneficial effect on the health of people with depression.

Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism

The soursop fruit is low in carbohydrates, which is why it is often recommended for diabetics. Soursop leaves act similarly to white mulberry leaves in reducing insulin secretion.

Parasite removal and skin health

The leaves of this plant contain antiparasitic and antiprotozoal substances.It is used as an supplementary anti-malarial medicine.  A tea made from the leaves can be applied to irritated skin. In tropical countries, soursop is used as an painkiller, both internally and externally.

In what forms can soursop be taken?

Soursop tea should be prepared in the form of a decoction. Put the leaves in boiling water and boil them for 30 minutes. Then add mint and honey (if you want) to it and drink it 3 times a day. An even easier solution is to drink soursop juice or extract.

You can also buy natural soursop fruit in larger markets. 

Research on the effect of soursop on the organism concerns mainly extracts from leaves, which, as in the case of most plants, have the highest concentration of useful substances. Today, it cannot be said that soursop is a new cure for cancer, however, the results of research are very optimistic and give hope for the rapid inclusion of this plant in the means of fighting and preventing cancer.
