Staphylococcus aureus: Understanding the Bacterial Menace

An excellent remedy for your joints


Many patients who complained of joint pain went to spas for peat baths. Most of them were so satisfied with the effects of treatment in such towns as Iwonicz-Zdrój, Kamień Pomorski or Kołobrzeg that they later bought them in herbal stores.

Natural treatment is based on the use of ingredients directly from nature. One of them is the invaluable peloid - a source of health and beauty.

It is a medicinal peat that has not been dehydrated. The beginning of the formation of peloid deposits is dated back to around 10 000 BC , they were formed from marshland vegetation in Central and Eastern Europe. Peloid for therapeutic purposes has been used since 1858.

Properties of peat

It includes:

  • Proteins
  • Bitumen
  • Resins
  • Micro and macronutrients
  • Fulvic and humic acids
  • Carbohydrates
  • estrogenic compounds
  • Iron and calcium salts

This wealth of beneficial ingredients means that peloid has very wide healing properties. It promotes the regeneration of the epiderm, stimulates the ovaries (due to the content of estrogen-like compounds), has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Peat baths and compresses are used for various inflammatory conditions of the body, e.g. arthritis, bone inflammation, rheumatic diseases, and ear problems. It successfully treats ailments resulting from ailments of the nervous system, such as nerve damage or paresis. It is helpful in cardiovascular and digestive system diseases, and also supports the treatment of female diseases (erosions, infections). Peloid has a soothing effect during menopause, has a firming and regenerating effect.

Peloid is most often used in the form of a bath, the temperature of which is about 45 degrees Celsius. Peat silt is mixed with water until a thick slurry is obtained. This goo detoxifies the body, cleans it, facilitates the excretion of toxins, makes the skin firmer, and smoothes wrinkles. The temperature of the peat bath causes the blood circulation to be stimulated and the body is able to absorb the healing compounds contained in the peloid.

However, it should be remembered that such a bath is quite burdensome for the body, so in some cases compresses or half-baths (consisting in immersing the body in the bath only up to the waist) are used. Compresses are made of peloid paste, which can be purchased in pharmacies. Such pastes are warmed up, wrapped in foil and kept on the skin.

Who shouldn't use peloid?

Treatments with the use of peloid give very good results, but cannot be used by everyone. Contraindications for use are:

  • Problems with the circulatory system
  • Cancer
  • Pregnancy
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Ulcers and varicose veins

It mainly concerns concentrated preparations with peloid.
