Staphylococcus aureus: Understanding the Bacterial Menace

Pansy tea - a revelation for acne


Pansy is a frequent visitor to our gardens. In addition to its beautiful appearance, it also has a lot to offer as a herb. It is found in some green teas as an additive that gives a beautiful color. It is used in acne problems.

Acne is a big problem among teenagers - people who have literally used all chemical preparations available on the market ask for help many times. Acne should not be underestimated either, as the marks can remain for life. For my part, I do not recommend preparations which the manufacturer suggests that work immediately destroying the pimple from the inside. If the preparation is advertised as a panacea that eliminates all symptoms immediately, let's think if someone is trying to catch us in a marketing lasso. Sometimes it is worth relying on proven preparations, which may work slower than medicines, but have a long-term effect.

The problem of acne is very complicated and it is difficult to say what it is caused by.
Certainly the fact that nowadays acne is such a scourge is related to the pollution of the environment, food and the body.

Pansy tea has a detoxifying effect, so it will definitely reduce the frequency of pimples. Like any preparation that cleanses the body of toxins, pansy tea will cause an increase in the number of imperfections at the beginning - because the impurities are excreted in this way. You should not stop the treatment then, because we are on the way to improving the condition of the skin.

Let's remember the well-known sentence of Mrs. Korżawska - herbs will help us build health, so the improvement may occur more slowly than with antibiotic treatment. Pansy has many advantages - it regulates metabolism, due to the high content of flavonoids, it will have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

It also has a coating effect because it contains mucilage substances. If we want to use it, for example, with a throat irritated by dry air, air conditioning or an ineffective cough, drink warm tea with small sips. It also has a diuretic effect, which means that harmful substances are removed from our body faster. Such action is also desirable in the case of hypertension and in the case of problems with the urinary system and kidneys.

Returning to the cleansing effect on the skin, I know many people who have successfully got rid of acne only by changing their diet and using pansy tea. From personal experience, I can also recommend La Roche Possay preparations, especially the delicate Effaclar cleansing gel. It is quite expensive and less efficient than, for example, Vichy or Eucerin preparations, but competing companies do not offer a product with such a gentle effect.
