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Can you replace painkillers in arthritis? Bee venom to the rescue

The bee venom reminds us of pain, swelling, and redness. However, it turns out that it can be used as a painkiller. Which is important - with a very good result.

Bee venom

Bee venom was popularly used as early as 3000 years ago. It was used by both the Chinese and the Romans. It is believed that the Romans used it for the first time as a specific aid in the treatment of pain. The venom was also widely used in folk medicine.

Composition and properties of bee venom

Free amino acids (glycol, arginine, cytosine, lysine, alanine, methionine, serine, tryptophan, leucine, threonine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid)



Volatile oils

Nucleic acids

Minerals (copper, magnesium)

Vitamin A

Bee venom also contains melittin (about 40-50% of the content), which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and destroys HIV. Bee venom also contains melittin (about 40-50% of the content), which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and destroys HIV.

Bee venom has long been used to treat arthritis and rheumatism. It showed very good effects in the treatment of cystitis, heart problems, migraines and allergies. In cosmetic use, bee venom is popular as a natural remedy for wrinkles, a specific successor of Botox.

However, the most interesting thing seems to be his analgesic effect. The pain-relieving effect is possible due to the fact that bee venom dilates the capillaries and arteries, making it easier for blood to reach the affected area. Due to its warming and oxygenating effect, it is able to minimize discomfort caused by bruises and swelling.

Safety of the use of bee venom!!

Venom, however, is not a miracle cure for pain, direct contact with bee venom can be fatal in the case of people who are allergic to it. A healthy person dies after a bite of about 100 bees. Precautions should also be taken in the case of pancreatic or liver diseases, as well as in the situation of pregnancy, breastfeeding or tuberculosis. Bee venom can help in many diseases, but it must not be treated on its own, because in this way we can cause more harm than good. Only pharmaceutical preparations in the form of ointments, creams and gels are intended for self-use alone.

Manuka honey is an increasingly popular preparation containing venom. This honey contains dried honeybee venom, which can be consumed in an amount of ½ to 2 teaspoons a day. According to the manufacturers, it is completely safe and can even be used by children.
